Billing Dispute Credit Request

Enter the Fiberlight Contractual Customer Company Name. Please do not enter the FBL Customer’s end user name.
Enter a phone number where you want to be contacted
Enter the names of any additional points of contact Fiberlight should include in return communications. Please do not include your end user point of contact.
The email entered here will receive a confirmation email back with the ticket number for tracking and details of this Web Form Submission, so be sure you are entering that correct email to receive confirmation of this request.
Enter the Type of Circuit you are referencing. Each separate Circuit will require its own, separate Form submission.
Enter known Lit or Dark Circuit ID Info as provided on your delivery notice. If not known, enter Unknown. Remember that each Circuit ID will require its own, separate Form Submission.
Enter the Order Number Info as provided on your contract. If not known, enter Unknown
Enter the Contract number Info as provided on your contract. If not known, enter Unknown
Enter the billing account number as provided on your invoices. Remember that this may have changed with recent updates provided to your Org.
Is this request related to an outage?(Required)
Include any Location information relevant to this request along with any other additional information, instructions or contact information. (Limited to 350 characters)
Accepted file types: zip, Max. file size: 10 MB.
.ZIP REQUIRED (please compress KMZ file in .ZIP format before uploading)
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 10 MB.